Products 1 col
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Feeling Smitten Bath Bomb Cupcakes
These little beauties look and smell like edible treats such as cupcakes or ice cream cones but instead, they are bath bombs! They have an indulgent peppermint pedicure mini bomb too and even mini bombs that look like lollipops. But for me, I’ll go for the slice of lemon cake
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We have several versions of this product and each are totally awesome. I remember hours of entertainment from these geared art tools and now, my kids fight over the set 30 years later. You use these with pen and paper to make organized scribbles that look like a mandala or
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Perplexus Puzzle Balls
Ever been stuck in bed, bored to death, attacked by the Rotavirus, wishing there was something, anything, you could do while being held captive to a nasty illness? There is a solution to your agony! (aside from Pepto) It’s the Perplexus ball! There are 4 glorious versions of this incredibly
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World’s Smallest Jigsaw Puzzle
This is the cutest little puzzle you’ve ever seen! A bit crazy small but it will still make you talk in a high pitched voice like you’re talking to a little puppy since this teeny tiny puzzle just brings that out in people… until they have to break out the
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Power Popper
Boys, beware! Your sister is going to love this air powered rapid fire popper gun even as much as you. In fact, she’ll probably steal yours if you’re not careful. This awesome popper is reloadable and uses your own strength the pack it with air power. The balls it shoots